Pregnancy Timeline

Pregnancy Timeline
Pre heat oven to 350. Bake until Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Are we there yet? Are we there yet?


Chris will start her 33 week on Thursday!   We seriously can’t wait for this leg of the journey to be OVER!!!  We are very happy that she has had a healthy pregnancy and the babies are doing well but really……  Can we wrap it up, already?  We are dying to meet our little bundles of love.  Chris is dying to get some mobility back and just feel better or even different than she feels everyday.   She has not seen the finished nursery nor has she climbed the stairs or showered indoors in about 6 weeks.  DSCF1286

There she is !  This picture was taken on Saturday, October 2.   See the pink bag on the changing table?  That’s the hospital bag and its ALL PACKED!  We are ready!  Hopefully, for Chris’ sake we only have another week or so. She has been experiencing Braxton-Hicks contractions so we are hoping that it’s a sign that the end is near. Now that may not be true at all but we can create our own reality, right?   We have an appointment tomorrow and hopefully we will find out how big the babies are and when this might possibly be over. 

We are ready for you, babies!  Are you ready to come out? We’ll give you kisses… and hugs……and candy……..(when you get teeth)! 

Keep us in your thoughts for a speedy and healthy delivery!

Love Always,

Kelly, Chris and the Babies

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Night Post!

31 weeks 3 days... but who's counting? We are counting! Oh my God, could this please be over soon? We are very lucky and she's very healthy but we are so done with this leg of the journey. She is sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am tired of her being sick and tired and I am tired, too. I know we will be tired for the next 20 years of our lives but at least will have our children to show for it. Anyway, she is doing well! She is big and has gained 70 lbs as of today (and that was first thing in the morning). Chris doesn't really eat that much anymore. She has been suffering from acid reflux and heartburn. She tries to eat small meals and frequently.
Since her pregnancy has been going great so far, we are thinking that maybe the triplets won't be in the NICU for very long. We were going to wait to decorate the nursery together when she came home from the hospital and the babies were in the NICU... but now that they are doing well and are pretty big, we have to be prepared if they come home with her. So............. Mom, Laurie and I decorated the nursery with cute wall stick-on things. Check em out!

Uuggg.... Now, I'm having problems uploading Robert's picture. Anyway, you get the idea. It's really cute. I was bitter sweet though. I felt terrible doing it without Chris and she could not help. We just try to remember all of the things that are positive in our lives. I took pictures and showed her as we went along in attempts to keep her involved but it's not the same. It's just one of those things that suck.. but it is was it is... We deal with it. Bottom line.. it's done! It looks cute! We are READY for these babies to come!

Last Weeks Picture

Okay... So I was a little late taking the Sunday picture. This is Chrissy at 30 weeks 5 days!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

29 weeks 3 days!

Here's the big girl! Doesn't she look great? I am going to keep this post short because I should be finishing my lesson plans... Here is the news in short form.

* First, the babies and Chris are healthy and great!

* We have had a rough few weeks.

* Chris got increasingly immobile and she
got really depressed.

* We spoke to the doctor and he fixed her up with safe
medicine! She is a like a new woman!

* I have to shower her outside in a shower tent because she can't walk up the stairs
to our full bath.

* Our family has been coming over while I'm at work to check up on her and keep her

* We can see the light at the end of the tunnel! She will be 30 weeks on Wednesday
and we are trying to make it to 34. This Wednesday we will find out how big
the babies are.

* The babies are super active! They "carry on" at all hours of the night and
during the day, too.

* Last but not least, God Bless Lucy, the cleaning lady who comes every two weeks!
She works so hard and I appreciate her and my mother-in-law for making it
all possible! God Bless them both!

More news to come!
Kelly , Chris and the Babies <3 <3 <3

28 weeks 4 days

Okay, so I am slipping up with the blog... Here's last weeks picture on Labor Day.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Last lap! The end is in sight!

Here she is! 27 weeks and 3 days

We are in the home stretch, now. Chris is doing as good as can be expected. She is pretty uncomfortable and seems to get a little less mobile each day. It takes a toll on her mental health but she is doing her best to stay calm. The babies look great, they are growing and very active! The dr. keeps reassuring Chris that she is healthy, the babies are great and she is doing a great job! I agree!

Last week, she had a constant pain in her upper back and sides. It was a new pain so we called the dr. and he said to come meet him at the hospital to get checked out. It turned out it was just muscle and skeletal strain from the 60 lbs she has gained, but we just wanted to be safe. He ran some blood work and she is anemic. He suggested iron supplements and whey protein shakes. So now her shakes include 1 ensure plus, two scoops of carnation instant breakfast, 1 scoop of whey protein, 1/2 a banana, 2 scoops of chocolate ice cream, 4 oz of whole milk and chocolate syrup. ( she drinks two of these a day in addition to her meals)

I have had a lot of help getting the babies' room ready. My mom, sister, JoAnne and our friends have helped out a great deal and we are so appreciative! Things are coming along, thank God because I could not do it by myself. I just wish Chris felt better so she could enjoy these events. Unfortunately, she just isn't physically able to.

It's too bad we can't switch places! I would love to feel the babies kick and move and get to rest and lay around (even being uncomfortable). She said she would love get in her car and drive to a store and shop. She would love organize all of the cute stuff we got. If only it were possible to bear each other's burden for awhile and give the other one a break. We will get through it! We are in the last lap of this race. At the end we will have the three, best, little babies in the world. The family we have always wanted!

Keep us in your prayers for continued health!
Love Always, Kelly, Chris and the Babies

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Here's the news....

Chris is 26 weeks and 3 days pregnant! We are in the home stretch. Here is this week's picture.

Well, it's been an exciting and busy two weeks. I finished working the summer session, had our "babies shower" and had a lot of Dr. appts. Mommy and babies are doing very well! Our babies are 2.3, 2.4 and 1.14 lbs. Chris is up about 55 lbs which is perfect. The doctor said her weight gain is right on target and she is great! He said she could be "the poster child for a triplet pregnancy" isn't that the cutest?

On to the babies shower......I think it went well and everyone enjoyed themselves. We thought it was beautiful! And boy, did we get spoiled....... I can't even express how generous and thoughtful everyone was. We are so grateful! We thoroughly enjoyed looking at each and every present, all week. I have been organizing all of our gifts and getting the house ready. It's a lot work but very exciting.

We have been getting out of the house more. It seems to help Chris' anxiety. She gets some anxiety when she feels like she can't breath and when she can't get comfortable. The more her mind stays busy the better off she is. I make it a point to get her out for an outing each day. We have actually had some outings that resemble our old life. On Thursday, we went to Dr. Rogers for a 945am appt. After the appt. we decided to stay in the area and enjoy our old stomping ground. We went up to the Avon boardwalk and had lunch at the pavilion. We found a nice shady bench and sat for awhile and enjoyed the scenery. Then, we went home and went to the pool. We ordered take out for dinner and we were both very happy girls. It was just like old times.....Except.......

1. Chris can't walk much, so I push her around in a wheelchair.
2. The wheelchair is like 60 lbs(that I lift in and out of the
back of the Honda Fit and have to put on and take off the legs each time so it fits)
3. She has to sit in the back seat of the car because she has more room.
(a.k.a. Miss Daisy)
4. I am always the designated driver because she can't drive anymore.
5. All of our outings involve 3 pillows that have to come with us everywhere!
6. Her purse, which could be considered luggage is to heavy so I carry it for her.
7. We no longer say " Can we have a booth please?" She CAN'T fit!

See? except for the above, it's just like old times! It's all in good fun. We have to laugh sometimes because we can get snarly with each other. She gets hot and ornery. I'm sweating pushing the wheelchair with a combined weight of God knows what.... We both can get cranky and then we have to laugh it off. It keeps us sane!

So that's all the news for now. Keep us in your prayers for continued health and happiness!

Love, Kelly, Chris and the Babies <3 <3 <3

Friday, August 13, 2010

Leisure Sunday Mornings......

are a thing of the past. I used to update the blog every Sunday morning after we laid around, ate breakfast, laid around some more and I would write the blog in bed. Hmmmm... "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." Those days are gone for awhile. Sad to see them go but they will be back someday. Needless to say, there's a lot to do. Chris is very busy making three healthy babies! She is doing a great job. Despite being uncomfortable with a list of valid and typical pregnancy complaints, she is healthy and in great shape! What a trooper! She is eating well, resting, drinking her water and doing her best to stay calm. Here is the belly pic.

24 weeks and 3 days

Doesn't she look great?
We have had a few ups and downs. The stress for me and the hormones for her. It seems like we take turns being full fledged basket cases.. " can cry all day on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I've got Tuesday, Thursday and the" Thank the Lord we have got a great support system. Chris' brother, Michael, comes and runs the vacuum and picks up some groceries for me. My mom and sister came and helped me organize some of the babies' clothes. Michael helped me move furniture, too. Cards come in the mail to make us smile, friends stop by to visit/feed Chris : ). and..... My mother-in-law...bless her soul.... is getting us a cleaning lady! It's the best gift ever! Things are coming together and we are going to be alright!
Keep us in your prayers for continued health.
Kelly, Chris and the Babies <3 <3 <3

Sunday, August 1, 2010

23 weeks 3 days!

I made a little video of our pregnancy pictues! Check it out!We are approaching our first milestone, 24 weeks! The Dr. said once we get to 24 weeks, the babies are viable. Then we press on towards 34 weeks! Here's this weeks news... Chris had a Dr.s appoinment on Wednesday. She did really well. Mary and her mom took her. She was uncomfortable but managed to get through the exam. All the babies look great! Heart rates are good and they are all a little over 1 lbs. Our baby girl is a little smaller. Not small, just a little smaller than her brothers. They also measured Chris' cervical length and the Dr. said it was great and the best news all day! It means she is showing no signs of preterm labor. All is well! Mom and babies are very healthy. Mental health status... Much better for both Chris and I. Since the heat wave has broken a bit, we are able to get out a little more. My mom took her out for a pedicure and lunch, her mom and Mary took her out (Thanks Mary) and today we walked Brick Plaza. (well, I pushed her in the wheel chair). We went to Barnes and Noble for new reading material, had a treat from Starbucks and then walked down to the Dollar Store. It may not seem that exciting for everyone else but Chris said she felt like a normal person today! I actually went to a bar on Friday night! Okay.... so I was meeting my parents there..whatever! : ) My brother was singing at Maggie's so we all met up for a drink. It was great to be out and just chill. Weight gain status.... Chris is doing well. She is up 43 lbs. She could use another 6 - 10 lbs by week 28. We are trying to kick up the calories intake again. I just got her some Ensure Plus. It's better than the Kellogg's protein shake. The Ensure has 330 calories, 11 grams of fat and 15 grams of protein. Weight loss status... I am back on track with Weight Watchers. I stopped going for a few weeks and started to eat the babies cookies and ice cream... nooooooooo! It was time to get back on program! So far so good. We have another appointment this Thursday. I am so excited to see the babies! Stay tuned for the next post! Love Always, Kelly, Chris and the Babies