Pregnancy Timeline

Pregnancy Timeline
Pre heat oven to 350. Bake until Thanksgiving!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

29 weeks 3 days!

Here's the big girl! Doesn't she look great? I am going to keep this post short because I should be finishing my lesson plans... Here is the news in short form.

* First, the babies and Chris are healthy and great!

* We have had a rough few weeks.

* Chris got increasingly immobile and she
got really depressed.

* We spoke to the doctor and he fixed her up with safe
medicine! She is a like a new woman!

* I have to shower her outside in a shower tent because she can't walk up the stairs
to our full bath.

* Our family has been coming over while I'm at work to check up on her and keep her

* We can see the light at the end of the tunnel! She will be 30 weeks on Wednesday
and we are trying to make it to 34. This Wednesday we will find out how big
the babies are.

* The babies are super active! They "carry on" at all hours of the night and
during the day, too.

* Last but not least, God Bless Lucy, the cleaning lady who comes every two weeks!
She works so hard and I appreciate her and my mother-in-law for making it
all possible! God Bless them both!

More news to come!
Kelly , Chris and the Babies <3 <3 <3

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