We are in the home stretch, now. Chris is doing as good as can be expected. She is pretty uncomfortable and seems to get a little less mobile each day. It takes a toll on her mental health but she is doing her best to stay calm. The babies look great, they are growing and very active! The dr. keeps reassuring Chris that she is healthy, the babies are great and she is doing a great job! I agree!
Last week, she had a constant pain in her upper back and sides. It was a new pain so we called the dr. and he said to come meet him at the hospital to get checked out. It turned out it was just muscle and skeletal strain from the 60 lbs she has gained, but we just wanted to be safe. He ran some blood work and she is anemic. He suggested iron supplements and whey protein shakes. So now her shakes include 1 ensure plus, two scoops of carnation instant breakfast, 1 scoop of whey protein, 1/2 a banana, 2 scoops of chocolate ice cream, 4 oz of whole milk and chocolate syrup. ( she drinks two of these a day in addition to her meals)
I have had a lot of help getting the babies' room ready. My mom, sister, JoAnne and our friends have helped out a great deal and we are so appreciative! Things are coming along, thank God because I could not do it by myself. I just wish Chris felt better so she could enjoy these events. Unfortunately, she just isn't physically able to.
It's too bad we can't switch places! I would love to feel the babies kick and move and get to rest and lay around (even being uncomfortable). She said she would love get in her car and drive to a store and shop. She would love organize all of the cute stuff we got. If only it were possible to bear each other's burden for awhile and give the other one a break. We will get through it! We are in the last lap of this race. At the end we will have the three, best, little babies in the world. The family we have always wanted!
Keep us in your prayers for continued health!
Love Always, Kelly, Chris and the Babies
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