Pregnancy Timeline

Pregnancy Timeline
Pre heat oven to 350. Bake until Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Are we there yet? Are we there yet?


Chris will start her 33 week on Thursday!   We seriously can’t wait for this leg of the journey to be OVER!!!  We are very happy that she has had a healthy pregnancy and the babies are doing well but really……  Can we wrap it up, already?  We are dying to meet our little bundles of love.  Chris is dying to get some mobility back and just feel better or even different than she feels everyday.   She has not seen the finished nursery nor has she climbed the stairs or showered indoors in about 6 weeks.  DSCF1286

There she is !  This picture was taken on Saturday, October 2.   See the pink bag on the changing table?  That’s the hospital bag and its ALL PACKED!  We are ready!  Hopefully, for Chris’ sake we only have another week or so. She has been experiencing Braxton-Hicks contractions so we are hoping that it’s a sign that the end is near. Now that may not be true at all but we can create our own reality, right?   We have an appointment tomorrow and hopefully we will find out how big the babies are and when this might possibly be over. 

We are ready for you, babies!  Are you ready to come out? We’ll give you kisses… and hugs……and candy……..(when you get teeth)! 

Keep us in your thoughts for a speedy and healthy delivery!

Love Always,

Kelly, Chris and the Babies

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