Pregnancy Timeline

Pregnancy Timeline
Pre heat oven to 350. Bake until Thanksgiving!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Night Post!

31 weeks 3 days... but who's counting? We are counting! Oh my God, could this please be over soon? We are very lucky and she's very healthy but we are so done with this leg of the journey. She is sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am tired of her being sick and tired and I am tired, too. I know we will be tired for the next 20 years of our lives but at least will have our children to show for it. Anyway, she is doing well! She is big and has gained 70 lbs as of today (and that was first thing in the morning). Chris doesn't really eat that much anymore. She has been suffering from acid reflux and heartburn. She tries to eat small meals and frequently.
Since her pregnancy has been going great so far, we are thinking that maybe the triplets won't be in the NICU for very long. We were going to wait to decorate the nursery together when she came home from the hospital and the babies were in the NICU... but now that they are doing well and are pretty big, we have to be prepared if they come home with her. So............. Mom, Laurie and I decorated the nursery with cute wall stick-on things. Check em out!

Uuggg.... Now, I'm having problems uploading Robert's picture. Anyway, you get the idea. It's really cute. I was bitter sweet though. I felt terrible doing it without Chris and she could not help. We just try to remember all of the things that are positive in our lives. I took pictures and showed her as we went along in attempts to keep her involved but it's not the same. It's just one of those things that suck.. but it is was it is... We deal with it. Bottom line.. it's done! It looks cute! We are READY for these babies to come!

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