Here is the belly pic from last week on Sunday that I didn't post. 20 weeks and 3 days! Ugg... I am mad at myself for falling behind with the blog but things have gotten really hectic. First, we got married! Yes! We went down to the court house and tied the knot on July 8th. I needed to make an honest woman out of her. : ) We also had to move around some furniture in the house. Our living room now has a full size bed in it! She can't climb a flight of stairs like she used to so the bed keeps her comfortable and close to the kitchen and bathroom during the day. Second, I got a nasty upper respiratory infection was sick all last weekend and missed two days of work. I was really down for the count. Two people in one house who are not up to par is a recipe for disaster. Thank God for good friends and family who swooped in like super heroes and helped out.
Here's the good news! Christine and the babies are doing well. The babies are kicking up a storm. They seemed to get feisty when she's hungry or after she eats. We saw our regular OBGYN yesterday. They all look good and have good heart rates. Chris is pretty uncomfortable during ultrasounds. She is uncomfortable most of the time. Here uterus is measuring like she is 30 weeks pregnant with a singleton. (but there's three in there and she's 21 weeks). She gets some relief in the pool. It gives her body a break from bearing the extra weight. It's also the only way to stay cool in this oppressive heat!
Weight gain is slow these days. It's just too hot and she has a full feeling most of the time. She is trying her best to eat small frequent meals but it's a challenge. We are relying on Kellogg's protein drinks, ensure, Carnation instant breakfast and chocolate ice cream to make up for some meals.
I am trying to kick it in high gear and get the house ready. It seems like time is flying by so quickly! Wish us luck and keep us in your prayers.
Kelly, Chris and the Babies
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