Pregnancy Timeline

Pregnancy Timeline
Pre heat oven to 350. Bake until Thanksgiving!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Here's this weeks belly pic! All is well at the Spina-Munro residence. Christine and I are hanging in there.(see last paragraph's emotional rant) We spent yesterday at the pool and actually enjoyed ourselves. There's nothing like beer (for me), potato chips and gossip magazines to pass the time at the pool. We spent a lovely day together.
Today, Michael took Chris to the pool and visited for awhile. My mom and I did some shopping and got a beautiful dresser for the nursery. It's so exciting! (I cooked and cleaned, too)

The babies are kicking up a storm! It's so cool. I like to put my hand on her belly and feel for the kicks. Sometimes it makes me jump and I squeal a little. She says it doesn't hurt but it makes me jump! We have an appointment on Wednesday with Dr. Wallace. I can't make it to the appointment because I have to work but Chris' mom is going to take her. He has to finish up some of the anatomy measurement on Elizabeth. She wasn't cooperating during the last ultrasound and Chris was really uncomfortable. She is a little nervous about the ultrasound because she was so uncomfortable last time but thanks to Erin Lamb, she has a new motto..........

I printed out a bunch of those signs and they are posted all over our house(most importantly, halfway up the stairs).

I like it, too! It's very helpful. I am very busy with preparing the house for the babies, keeping Chris comfortable, working full-time, cooking, cleaning, shopping, exterminating (ant problem in the kitchen) and still trying to make time to visit my family. I love when I say "I'm busy" and people will say " Just wait until the babies come".... REALLY!.... Now, what purpose does that serve? Chris and I are well aware of the enormity of our situation. Our lives have changed drastically already! She cannot drive to visit at her mom's house, walk through our favorite stores, or tolerate this heat. She is mostly uncomfortable with tolerable days. Things that we used to do together and enjoy are limited to say the least.....
That's why I am busting a$$ to get the nursery set up. It will be a visual reminder of the end result. I know it will benefit both of our mental states. Three, sweet, precious, little babies to fill this house with love and our legacy. I bet when we see their little faces for the first time, we would do it all over again!
Kelly, Chris and the babies


  1. LOL Thanks for the shout out. :)
    The British crown invented the slogan though for use if the Nazis invaded England. Since they never did, the government never released it and forgot all about it. Then an antique shop found the print in the early 2000 and started marketing it. I saw it in my career counselor's office this year. :) I like it, too.

  2. Thanks Erin! Thank God it turned up because it has been a life safer in this house!
