Pregnancy Timeline

Pregnancy Timeline
Pre heat oven to 350. Bake until Thanksgiving!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth of July! We have had an exciting, eventful week! She is 19 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Is it just me or does she look full term?
Time is flying!We saw Dr. Wallace on Monday. Here's the good news! It's confirmed. We are having 2 boys and 1 girl.(Nicholas John, Robert Michael and Elizabeth Marie) It was an extensive ultrasound where they take about 60 pictures per baby. They measure the circumference of the head, size of the stomach, chambers of the heart, humerus, femur, hands, feet, chambers of the brain, eyes, nose, mouth, facial profile and probably more but I can't remember. Everyone looks great! Two babies weighed 10 oz and one weighed 11oz. We can't remember who weighed what. I weighed an orange this morning that was 10 oz and we both thought "Oh my goodness, there's three in there"! The process of the ultrasound was quite an ordeal. Chris had a hard time laying flat on her back. She was really uncomfortable. They let her move the back of the bed up some but it didn't really help. The ultra sound tech was so sweet. She let Chris sit up whenever she got uncomfortable (every 2 or 3 minutes). She started to feel really hot, and lightheaded at one point. Apparently, pregnant women can pass out during ultrasounds because the position slows down blood flow and oxygen. She managed endure it for 2 1/2 hours until she was visibly spent. There were times where she was comfortable but the babies were not in the right position. We were waiting for Elizabeth to turn over onto her back and she decided to kick her brother in the head. During one of the breaks, I thought it would be a good idea the document the moment with a picture! I don't think she agreed! See that? Look at the monitor behind her. That's a head and an arm of one our children. Flippin' the bird in front of the babies... Nice mom! LOL

This week we also got a lot of stuff done in the house! My sister and nieces came over and helped me organize some of our storage space. We dropped off things at the Christian Charity thrift shop. It was a good job done. My mom's friend also gave us some furniture in great condition! We got a twin trundle bed for the nursery and a leather recliner for Chris. She is loving the recliner! She also gave us two small dressers that were her husband's when he was a kid. They are sturdy wood and just need some TLC. I can't wait to sand and refinish them. It's right up my alley!

We also registered at Babies R Us! Oh my God, that was an adventure. My sister and nieces took us to the store in Eatontown because it's bigger. It was slightly hot in the store. My nieces are so excited and wanted to help so I gave the scanner to Hannah and Hailey wanted to push Chris in the wheelchair. Yes.... a wheelchair! There's no way she could walk the whole store. After about 10 minutes, Chris was getting nauseous from being wheeled around by an underage driver.The scanner was not scanning quick enough and we were only done with two small aisles. We managed to push through and have some fun! My sister was such a great source of info. She helped us register for the big stuff first and then the other stuff later. It was an all day affair that required a lunch break but we got it done. My nieces are super excited and really enjoy being involved.

Well, I think that's all the news for this week.
Kelly, Chris and the Babies! <3 <3 <3

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