School's out! Whoohooo!
Here's this weeks update.....
We saw the doctor on Tuesday and everyone is doing great! The babies are growing. They are all about the same size measuring about 5 1/2 inches from crown to rump. We got new ultrasound pictures and they are pretty amazing. I still have to get to my sister's house and scan them so I can post them.
Chris is written out of work for the summer so she can rest. She has been tired and uncomfortable. She was having a hard time sleeping or should I say... staying asleep. Our Horizon case worker recommended the Snoogle (a pregnancy body pillow). I did some research and found it at Babies R Us. Let me tell you that she is love with the Snoogle. She sleeps so much better! Sure, it takes up half the bed and there is no room for anyone else, but she's comfortable! ; )
It has been hard for her to eat since it has been so hot. The weather just doesn't make you feel like sitting down to a big, hot meal. We were both a little worried about last week's weight standstill, but worry no more! She made up for it this week. She is now up a total of 30 lbs! We are on our way to chubby triplets! Since she was not in the mood for a lot of food, we supplemented with milkshakes and that did the trick.
Tomorrow, we have an appointment with Dr. Wallace, the high risk doctor. They will do an extensive ultrasound on all the babies and check the developement of organs. It usually takes a half hour for one baby, so we are looking at an hour and a half ultrasound for all three. Aww, so cute! Chris and I have been doing a lot of talking and we both agreed that it's easy to get comfortable with the idea of three babies. It's our instant family! Three smiles, three giggles, three to hug and kiss and get hugs and kisses from, three to greet us from their crib with excitement, three to cuddle and love, fuss over and cherish. We are so blessed!
With lots of love and excitement
Kelly, Chris and the Babies <3 <3 <3
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