Let's see..... What's new this week? We finished our last full week of school and it was a chore, to say the least. The countdown until the end of school seems like it's in slow motion.
It has been two and a half weeks since our last doctor's appt. It seems like it's been forever. I can't wait until Tuesday for our next appt. so I can see the babies again. It may sound strange but I miss them when our appointments are spread out a few weeks. The is such a sense of peace, love, joy and amazement when we see them on the ultrasound. (If the babies cooperate, we should get a definite on the sexes!) They have been pretty active. Chris says she feels a lot of fluttering. One time, they were all fluttering at the same time and it was like a dance party!
Chris is feeling okay. She has been a bit uncomfortable at night with leg cramps and has a hard time getting comfy. Overall, she says she feels good and is doing well. I think she looks so beautiful!
I am doing well, too. My mental state is much better these days. Thank God for mothers. They always know the right thing to say. I was feeling overwhelmed and my mom helped put everything into perspective. Thank you, Mom! I also went to the doctor on Friday for my annual physical. Everything was great! BP 110/70 and blood work was worthy of being displayed on the refrigerator! I am doing my best to take care of myself as well as Chris and the babies.
(Kelly) Weight loss update... I lost 3.2 lbs at Weight Watchers last week. Thank God the scale went in the right direction.
(Chris) Weight gain update... there is no gain this week! What's up with that? She is eating more fruits and vegetables and we instituted the dietitian's tweaks and she's not gaining weight. She is in her 17th week and has gained a total of 24 lbs. Dr Luke's book says that she should gain about 2.5 lbs a week and gain a total of 30 lbs by week 20. She journals all her food for the dietitian and we see her next week. I am guessing she will increase her calorie intake. We'll see!
Keep us in your prayers for health!
Kelly, Chris and the Babies <3 <3 <3
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