Pregnancy Timeline

Pregnancy Timeline
Pre heat oven to 350. Bake until Thanksgiving!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

16 weeks !

Here's Chris today at 16weeks 3 days. ( She looks smaller in the picture than in person : ) She is currently up a of total 24 lbs! Whoohooo! I think we can do it. I think we can make healthy, chubby triplets.
So we had some exciting events this week. She felt "quickening"! I think it was Tuesday morning. She said it feels like fluttering and slight movements. Isn't that neat? We also listen to her belly with my Dad's stethoscope. We don't know what we are listening to but it's gushy and noisy. (and it's fun)
We also went to a Dietitian. All of the books I have read noted that a Dietitian is an integral part of a triplet pregnancy. She was very helpful and reviewed her current food intake. She reviewed it and said we were doing a great job it just needed to be tweaked a little. She told me uuuummm..... maybe I don't have to put the banana, milk, ice cream, Carnation instant breakfast powder, yogurt and chocolate sauce in her shake. LOL. She kindly suggested... "Maybe you could space some of those ingredients out during the day. Maybe just milk, carnation powder and half a banana. " So we did. We are both VERY GOOD LISTENERS! She made some helpful suggestions and Chris is eating more fruits and vegetables.
She is feeling pretty good. She gets tired in the afternoon and her back has been bothering her. She bought a maternity back support contraption over the weekend so hopefully that will alleviate some of the pain.
It seems like time is flying by and I feel like there is so much to do before the babies come. I feel the need to purge everything in this house. college books, clothes, nonessential furniture... I also think we need pull down attic stairs instead of the square opening and using a ladder. I have a feeling I will be lugging stuff up and down from the attic. UUGG! Sometimes my mind is riddled with questions I don't have the answers to. Like, how are we going to manage financially? Do we really need a minivan? Do we need the triplet stoller that is $700 or a double stroller and a single? The weekends are the worst for my mental state. I have too much down time to think or I am visiting with friends or family and the subject comes up. I feel the need to reassure people that we will be fine but it's hard. I am doing my best to stay positive but it's hard. I cried today. I'm crying now... I know God has a plan for our family and I have to have faith. We are blessed. Truly blessed with love and three precious gifts. See.. now I feel better.
Please keep us in your prayers for health!
Kelly, Chris and the Babies <3 <3 <3

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